Search for tag: "risk"

Conflict of Interest and CMS's Open Payments Database Expansion What You Need To Know- October 28,2020

The Open Payments Database opened in 2014 to promote transparency of financial exchanges between health care providers and manufacturers. In January 2021, the Open Payments Database is expanding to…

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From  Joshua Dangerfield 0 likes 158 plays 0  

Avoiding a CIA: Optimizing the Relationship Between Revenue Cycle and Compliance - October 21, 2020

Too often, critical functions within healthcare organizations operate independently and separately, without interaction. These communication gaps are never more operationally painful than when an…

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From  Joshua Dangerfield 0 likes 141 plays 0  

Avoiding a CIA: How Optimizing the Relationship between Revenue Cycle and Compliance through Education and Communication can Mitigate the Risk of Enforcement Action

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From  Joshua Dangerfield 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Risk Factors of COVID 19 with Heart Disease

From  Samantha Everett 0 likes 2 plays 0