Search for tag: "activity"

A.D.A.M video.mp4

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From  Customer Service 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Conflict of Interest and CMS's Open Payments Database Expansion What You Need To Know- October 28,2020

The Open Payments Database opened in 2014 to promote transparency of financial exchanges between health care providers and manufacturers. In January 2021, the Open Payments Database is expanding to…

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From  Joshua Dangerfield 0 likes 158 plays 0  

Video- My Team Employee Profile Widget

This is a tutorial video on the My Team Employee Profile Widget

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From  Joshua Dangerfield 0 likes 92 plays 0  

At home P.E. activities for kids

Corey has come up with some great activities kids can do while they are stuck at home for the next few weeks. These games involve only things that can be found around the house. To learn more visit…

From  Megan Gibson 0 likes 2 plays 0